Do you want to get back your smile and restore your confidence? Are you looking for a safe procedure to get permanent teeth without any discomfort? If you have a missing and broken tooth, you might be looking for a permanent solution to restore your confidence as well as to improve the functionality of your teeth.
In Birmingham, UK, you will find many clinics that offer conventional dentures and teeth implants to replace your teeth. In this article, we will discuss dental implants. We will cover all the aspects including the procedure, benefits, and risk associated with the procedure. Besides, we will suggest you one of the most popular clinics in Birmingham, the UK where you can get all the required help regarding dental implants. They have a team of experienced clinicians to take care of your smile.
Dental Implants: Definition
Dental implants are metal frames that will be surgically positioned into your jawbone under the gums by clinicians. Once it is done, the dentists will mount the replacement tooth onto it. The process is safe but time-consuming. In dental implants, everything will depend on your oral health. If it is in poor condition, then you will have to think of other alternatives.
A dental implant is a surgical procedure that can replace a damaged and broken tooth with an artificial tooth while replacing tooth roots with metal posts. The replaced tooth will function and feel like a natural tooth. Any common man will not be able to distinguish between implants and natural tooth. Denture implants and bridges are considered as ideal alternatives to conventional dentures.
The surgical procedure will depend on the condition of jawbone as well as the type of implants. There are several types of procedures. The clinician will decide the best suitable procedure for you. One of the key benefits of the dental implants is that it offers a solid support to your new tooth. The downside is that healing will take time up to a few months.
When should you think of a dental implant?
Dental implants can be the best option if you have one or more missing teeth. These implants will both look and feel natural. However, it might not be ideal for all. If oral tissues are not strong, your dentist might suggest you other options instead of dental implants. Dental Implants will be ideal in the following conditions.
• One or more missing teeth
• Adequate bone to support your dental implants
• Healthy oral tissues
• Do not have any complication that can affect the healing
In addition to the above, you will have to prepare yourself for months of the healing process. It will take longer for healing. Once it is healed, you will not find any difference between the natural teeth and implants. You can say that it is worth to spend both time and money on this process as it can offer you a permanent solution.
How do dental implants work?
As the dental implants combine with your jawbone, you will get stable support to your artificial teeth. The bridges and dentures mounted to dental implants would not slip into your mouth. It is important while speaking and eating. The dental implants offer a secure and perfect fit that will help individual crowns, bridges as well as the dentures to be placed flawlessly and to look more natural than the conventional bridges and dentures.
Moreover, the ordinary dentures and bridges do not offer the required comfort. You might experience pain and discomfort due to gagging and sore spots. The ordinary bridges do not offer a permanent result as these are attached to your teeth on either side of the space left by your missing tooth. The benefit of dental implants is that you do not need to prepare the adjacent teeth or ground to hold the artificial teeth. However, you will need adequate bone and healthy gums to support your dental implant. A healthy structure and healthy oral tissues are the prime requirements for dental implants.
The long-term success of dental implants will mostly depend on oral hygiene and regular visits to dentists. These are more expensive than traditional methods of teeth replacement. Moreover, the insurance companies only cover less than ten percent of your fees. Therefore, it is essential to visit experienced clinicians to get a lasting solution.
What are the types?
There are many types of dental implants. Two popular types are the followings.
Endosteal implants:
These implants will be surgically implanted into your jawbone directly. The process involves three steps. First, the clinician will implant the Endosteal implants into the jawbone. After the implant is done, they will let the surrounding gum tissues to be healed. Once it is completely healed, a second surgery will be done to connect a post to the implant and then they will attach an artificial tooth to implants. They can attach a tooth individually or in a group depending on demand.
Subperiosteal implants:
The process will be more or less the same. The clinicians will fit a metal frame onto your jawbone just beneath the gum tissue. The frame will be fixed to your jawbone during the healing process. Posts attached to that frame will stick out through your gums and then artificial teeth can be mounted to those posts.
Single and multiple dental implants:
Implants can be done both for one or more missing teeth. When one tooth is missed, one implant and one replacement of artificial tooth will be done. When multiple teeth are missing in a raw, they will strategically place implants to support a permanent bridge. In fact, you can consider dental implants for all your missing teeth. They will fix a full denture permanently into your mouth with a planned number of implants.
Implants versus conventional denture
There is no doubt that conventional dentures have many benefits. These are affordable and less time-consuming. But the problem is that these conventional dentures and bridges will not be permanently fixed to your jawbone. The result is obvious. It will affect your look and confidence. You cannot eat and speak naturally. You will not have this problem with implants. Implants will offer a permanent and natural fit. You will feel like you have natural teeth and the biting force will be strong as well. Moreover, dental implants will not rely on the adjacent teeth for support. They will not affect the neighboring teeth in any manner. Implants will last for a lifetime when the bridges can last only for ten years maximum.
What will be the post-treatment care?
You do not need to take any extra effort to ensure the longevity of your dental implants. However, you need to visit your dentist regularly as well as to maintain an oral hygiene to get a long-term success. When it comes to post-care treatment, you can treat your dental implants like your natural teeth. You need to do the same brushing and flushing.
Moreover, you need to keep the area infection-free and clean. Otherwise, your implants can accumulate tartar and plaques like natural teeth. A professional cleaning will be necessary to keep your implants healthy. Your dentists will tell you when you need a professional cleaning. It will vary depending on individual needs.
What to do when your oral health does not support an implant?
Many people face this condition. They cannot go for an implant if the bone is not strong and gum tissue is not healthy. In these conditions, it will be difficult for both dentists and patients to choose the right solution. But if you choose an experienced clinic like Radiant Faces, you can get the best solution and a lasting result even in the adverse condition. Radiant Faces offers the following solutions for all those who find it hard to go for dental implants due to poor bone and gum health.
Sinus Lift Augmentation: Sinuses can cause the loss of upper back teeth. In addition, sinuses can prevent dental implants in upper back areas as this is an air-filled space and you need a strong and solid bone to support implants. In that condition, the experienced dentists will follow a procedure known as sinus lift augmentation to restore sinus cavity and to replace the bone that has been lost due to enlarged sinus. The healing time of this procedure will take up to twelve months. Once the healing is done, the implants will be placed into your grafted bone.
Implant site development:
In some cases, you need to remove your tooth due to infection. When the infection level is high, the possibility of losing bone around your tooth is more. Without bone, you can think of an implant. Therefore, the dentists will consider different types of bone grafting to remove your infected teeth safely as well as to facilitate the implants at a later stage.
Autogenous Bone Grafting:
On a few occasions, the areas of implants lack sufficient bone quantity for implants. In that condition, dentists can borrow bone from other areas of your mouth and then graft the bone into that area. They take the bone from the back of jaw and chin.
Computer-Enhanced Treatment Planning:
Radiant Faces service has also the expertise to evaluate a dental CT scan by their special software. The software will focus on three things, bone location, bone quantity, and bone quality. All these things are important for a successful dental implant and will help them to decide the best possible replacement.
Who is the ideal candidate for dental implants?
The dental implants are one of the most convenient ways to replace your missing teeth. These implants feel and look like natural teeth. Though it demands strong bones and healthy mouth tissue to support implants, still, you can consider bone grafting to support your implants. However, there are a few cases when you cannot go for dental implants irrespective of measures taken by your dentists.
The dental implants can be ideal for most adults. But these are not suitable for young children and adolescents especially when the jaws have not stopped growing. The growth of jaws slows down around twenty- two years of age and then you can go with implants to replace your missing teeth. In addition, dental implants will not be the best solution for regular smokers, diabetic patients, and cancer patients.
What should you expect on your first visit?
At the first appointment itself, the clinicians will perform a proper examination to find out whether implants are ideal for your missing teeth or not. They might suggest an x-ray to know more about your oral and jaw health. An x-ray will help them to decide the type of implants suitable for your condition.
If there is not sufficient bone to support your dental implants, they will first start with bone grafting. In that process, they will take bone from one place to implant area to enlarge the bone structure. The healing process will take up to 12 months depending on condition. A CT scan might be required to have a proper understanding of your bone health.
What are the benefits of dental implants?
You will find a number of benefits associated with dental implants. A few of them are the followings.
• More comfort and ease when speaking and eating
• A change in your look and speech
• Healthy jawbone and natural like teeth
• Improved functionality with better ability to chew and enjoy your food
• Benefit for lifetime
• No need to hide from public places anymore
Expertise is the key to success and happiness
Now when you know the procedure, types, and benefits, you might be searching for a clinic that can transform your look and can make you more confident than ever. If yes, then you can visit Radiant Faces in Birmingham, UK. Radiant Faces is a very popular name across Birmingham for experienced clinicians and safe and developed technologies. They will make you comfortable in a relaxed environment. They are able to offer all types of dental implants mentioned above. They will answer your queries and will help you to find out the best solution for your missing teeth.
Radiant Faces clinic works with the objective of discovering your particular dental need and design the treatment accordingly. You can book an appointment now to get back your charm and lost confidence. For any query regarding dental implants, you can contact them by email or phone.